Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What are the exact criteria one would use in differentiating between ';true'; and ';false'; gods?

Let's face it, if ';the bible says so'; is the only criteria in play, that's a pretty weak argument, particularly for those who don't happen to ascribe inerrancy to the text. So please, let's look at this logically:

1. Historicity? Northern European heathenry predates Judaism by several thousand years in the actual, *archeaological* record.

2. Power for good? The Norse godhs were looked to for fertility, prosperity, good harvests and luck for thousands of years . . . don't you think someone might have noticed, in all that time, if it wasn't working?

3. Devotion of believers? Thor in particular was held in great affection by the Folk.

4. Martyrs? Got 'em. Read up on the bloody conversion of Northern Europe sometime.

5. Creation myth? Yep, got one. No more *factual* than anyone else's, but it teaches our core cultural truths, which is what creation myths do.

6. Ability to change lives? Yep, does that.

7. Personal relationship? Direct spiritual gnosis counts, right?

I'm not seeing it.What are the exact criteria one would use in differentiating between ';true'; and ';false'; gods?
If it leaves you breathless with Awe - true.What are the exact criteria one would use in differentiating between ';true'; and ';false'; gods?
To me the only criteria that matters is what makes sense to each of us individually.
for one that has no god then there are no criteria to distinguish ..
Why if its in the Bible?

Come on, lets think about it logically. Give me one chance to explain..

Is it because you were raised to believe this way?

You are being told from your priest, parents, friends that it is in the Bible, so it must be true.

But have you ever thought that same thing is said in other religions. Just like you, they are raised to believe word to word in their holy books.

Why Bible then? What makes it so authentic? lets can't be that it was written by Jesus own hands. We all know it was not true.

Is it because Bible has not been edited many times? We all know this is not true too? There were different versions of Bible until it was put together as one.

Now did Jesus come back and said ,'; I don't want this to be included and I want this to be excluded.'; No, we all know that that you guys are still waiting for that day. So the editing was done by humans like you and me. Hmm, Humans....we are born of sin. one of the Doctrines of your religion hmmmm. So sinners compiled the Holy book together.

That is indeed authentic.
Who can really state which is and is not ';true';?

It's all perspective
that's an easy one.. ALL Gods are false
i have a friend who follows odin. i follow a celtic goddess.

who am i to tell anyone that their god is false?

each person has the right to follow their own beliefs.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I John 4:1

King James Version

the criteria is this.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

John 7:17

King James Version

the criteria of being true is in their Doctrines

Try this websites i hope it will help you seek truth
A false god is a god that demands worship.

A true god does not care if you worship him or not - his Ego doesn't have to be powered by any worship.
For now,there is no prove of false or true gods.I think people should just be free to believe which ever god they feel is true or want to believe and go on with life.
There is no true and false God that is more of the same old thinking that kills people. All Gods are valid.Until they have served there purpose and are replaced with Gods that are more in tune with the nature of man and his journey.

Does the Metaphor touch the heart first or the brain first.

If it does not touch the part of the human phyce, that words cannot describe, then they no longer serve there purpose . If one God does that for even one person then that is still God.

I beleive that they are all the same God. We are all one with that God and that inner space that cannot be desribed with words only in our hearts that place all humans have in common is where he preaches.

All the other defintions are all folk because all humans are one folk when standing on the moon .

I would say next that the false God of economics filling the space that dancing around the fire used to fill. Filling that space with stuff and Crappy tv. Well that is the false God.
It all depends which set of delusions your parents hammered into your head as a child.
They are all false gods.

Except the FSM. He is real.
I only worship pink flying dinosaurs. It makes just as much sense as any other god out there.
What if there are Gods, just all of them are false Gods.
The lame argument most often trotted out is ';there are more of us than you.';

Which is not very compelling, given our species' history of mass erroneous beliefs such as believing the earth is flat, believing the sun revolves around the earth, etc.
Another horn of mead...I can't wait to see what they come up with this time.

(Hey, wanna play Picts vs Vikings later?)
No, no, nothing that complicated.

The exact criterion for a true God is that He is real.

A false god is not real.

The following are some signs and indications of false teachers or false Gods.

1. Uses flattery or ego stroking to obtain followers.

2. Insists on blind obediance and does not tolerate dissenting opinions.

3. Encourges the belief that there is nothing beyond the ideas and concepts that they teach.

4. Insists that their teaching is infallible.

5. Encourages the belief that by observing all the outer rules and rituals that followers will be automatically saved.

6. Engages in various types of physical, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse.

7. Does not encourage self-examination in the followers, in other words, they do not want their followers to take the beam out of their own eye and definitely not the mote in the eye of the false teacher.

I'm sure there are more but that's what occurs to me at the moment. I will leave it to the reader to decide if one or more of these signs fits describes characteristics of one or more religion or teacher.
*slaps a 20 on the table

Ra can kick Thor's *** any day buddy boy

That's exactly why atheists don't believe in any gods; most atheists think exactly the way you do. Look at all the things you just listed. You seem to be looking for advantages or what a religion might have to offer you. However, advantages and disadvantages don't make any difference in reality. The true god, hypothetically, could force us all to read boring novels for the rest of eternity, but that doesn't make him any more or less true. The true god could grant us a state of perfect spiritual balance in a beautiful paradise, but that doesn't make him any more or less true.

Religion does have many advantages, but you seem to be looking for the truth, regardless of whatever any religion might claim. The truth may not necessarily have any advantages or disadvantages, so you can't mix the two together. Either you're looking for what religions have to offer, or you're solely seeking the truth without any sugar added.

All major world religions are all about faith. You don't need a pamphlet about why you should join a religion, nor do you need a scientist to prove God exists. 33% of the world population is Christian, and you can trust me that it's not just because their parents were Christian too. Every mature believer has found the evidence they need to believe whether it's an answer to a problem, a new hope, a miraculous recovery, an incredible sense of wonder and awe, etc. Every believer has somehow been touched by God in their lives so that they may believe. God is throwing bricks at everyone else, but they insist that they can do it on their own.

You may not like my answer, but that's what most believers have found in their lives... not an irresistible offer or scientific proof. Of course, there are many advantages, but you have to find faith before you can obtain these. You have to understand that you can't limit your sources of evidence to science. Science has its limitations (ie. ';What is the purpose of life?';). You have to look at the world through different perspectives in order to fully understand it. However, some people think that science is the only path to truth.
It's very simple really.

Everyone that believes in something will say ';My god/gods is/are real; all others are false';.

Except me, I follow my own path and welcome you to follow yours.
Yeah, the Hellenes got that, too....
of course you don't see it. since you refuse to see it, its been purposely blinded to you to comprehend.

either give up or accept that you will learn, otherwise you are banging on a brick wall my friend. no one hears you, no one sees you and no one cares.
Another way to look at it is this. Examine the Nations on this planet that have a strong Christian heritage and history. Especially a Protestant Christian heritage and history. They are virtually all prosperous brain-based economies with a Republican form of Government.

Now look at the disgusting dictatorships and primitive economies of the ';muslim'; world.

See a difference?
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