Here's what I've learned:
The big reason gays aren't being able to get married is because marriage is something done through a church, and some churches will not allow gay marriage because it is against tradition.
Well... there is something called separation of church and state, and it is obviously not being followed through by the government. Some may claim it is unconstitutional to not allow gays to marry, because it interferes with their rights.
On the other hand, I have heard that gays may get the same legal benefits from a marriage with a domestic partnership, which I don't believe to be very true...
So, as it stands, the reason many politically (somewhat informed) people are voting yes on California's Proposition 8 is because marriage is a tradition and it is traditionally for a man and a woman, and they also think that domestic partnerships give the same legal benefits.
My question is... Do domestic partnerships really give the same legal benefits? And if they do, what is wrong with changing tradition up just a bit? Hell, not long ago Churches advertised the idea that the sun revolved around the Earth, and those who thought otherwise were burned at the stake... Why can't the churches just settle down and change things because of the differences in people?
My other question is... if separation of church and state is being followed through, can gays get married through a non-religious ceremony if they choose? Then they would not make churches bend over backwards to change their traditions, and gays can have the same legal rights as straight couples, and all this stupid stuff about gays not being able to marry can vanish!What is true and false?
The majority rules in this country not the minoriy. The Constitution and laws were not created for total equality and fairness... it was based upon ruling without tyranny. There are many laws on the books that are unfair and inequitable. Here are two examples: Men have no say so as to whether their child is born... there is no motion or law or court that will intervene to protect a father's right to have their child born... it is totally a woman's right (I make no reference as to whether I agree with this... however this is the law of the land). The second example is in DNA (Genetic Testing) for children. In CA if you are married, and your wife has an affair, and the child is born while you ARE STILL MARRIED AND LIVING TOGETHER, The HUSBAND is conclusively presumed to be the father of that child and the true bio dad can do nothing about it. A DNA test in this instance would be inadmissible. Fair? Equitable? You make your own mind up. However this is the law of the State of CA.
Sooooooo if the majority of Californian's do not want their children taught that gay marriage should be accepted for tradition or otherwise, why do other's have to play the fairness card... Where does it say everything has to be fair.
The majority rules in this country.
Lastly, the answer to your question is yes... domestic partnerships legally offer gay folks the same rights as married folks. This is not about equal rights it is about minority positions being forced down the majorities throats to give substance and credibility to the gay lifestyle that involves abount 10% of all relationships in this country.What is true and false?
You unfornately are wrong... partners/spouses DO NOT get to make healthcare decisions for their spouses simply because they are married. In order to make these decisions you must have either a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions or an advanced directive.
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As a true conservative, gay marriage does not bother me. Your personal life is truly none of my business.
I do believe in states rights. Our founding fathers were smart enough to realize that we all do not agree, and that is why the constitution tries not to smother the USA with a blanket of federalism.
I believe the people of each state should be allowed to vote on that issue, as well as others.
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