Sunday, February 7, 2010

';Shaving a dog's coat during the summer is a great way to help them stay cool.'; TRUE or FALSE, and WHY?

I've heard some people say this is FALSE because the coat helps dogs keep cool air near their skin, but that doesn't make sense to me.

Is there a better explanation?';Shaving a dog's coat during the summer is a great way to help them stay cool.'; TRUE or FALSE, and WHY?
It depends on what coat type your dog has. Double coated breeds should NEVER be shaved as the guard hairs (the top, long hairs) REFLECT the sun's rays. By reflecting the UV rays it protects the dog from overheating AND protects the dog from getting sun burnt. When you shave off the guard hairs you're only exposing the dog's skin to harmful UV rays and making the dog hotter.

If you have a double coated breed it would be better to strip out the under coat (the soft fluffy hairs that grow below the guard hairs). These are the hairs that make a dog feel hot. Furminators are good at taking out the undercoat without damaging the guard hairs.

It's also a bad idea to shave double coated breeds, because once you shave down the guard hairs you've pretty much ruined the coat forever. The coat texture will never be the same (it will grow back coarse and woolly) and the coat color can also change if a person continues to shave the dog.';Shaving a dog's coat during the summer is a great way to help them stay cool.'; TRUE or FALSE, and WHY?
It depends on what kind of dog you have. If you have a double coated dog then no i would not recommend you shaving him/her. Double coated dogs are dogs with a coat like a border collie, golden retriever, Australian shepherd, and German shepherds and many many more. These dogs have a top/guard coat and a soft under coat that they blow out once a year in the spring time. What i would recommend for these types of dogs is to have a good low shed treatment at a local groomer. What this is going to do is help them blow out their coat for the summer and get ride of all the dead under coat and thickness so that they will be cool for the summer with out damaging the coat. When you shave a double coated dog it can damage their coat and prevent the coat growing back normally. Some dogs dont have a problem when they get shaved the first or second time but some do and any groomer will be happy to do as you please but you should know that it can damage the coat and you are taking that risk when you get the dog shaved and there's no way to tell when or how bad it will damage the coat. That's why i would recommended getting him/her washed and brushed very well, with de-shedding tools, by a professional groomer unless the dog is matted and can not be brushed out with out causing the dog pain.

i hope this helps
I'm no veterinarian, but I think there are several factors involved. What kind of dog, of course (as others have mentioned), but also whether the dog is an indoor dog or an outdoor dog. Personally, I think that only indoor dogs should be shaved, mostly because if the dog stays outdoors it is likely to get sunburned or overheated from direct sunlight.
depends on the thickness of the dog's fur. if really thick then possibly it would cool them off, but if thin then shaving it off causes the sun to hit their bodies more: fur is like shade not clothes to dogs.
False, The double coat insulates against heat as well as cold. Some breeds will not grow their hair back if you shave it, and could also get sunburn. I would never shave my shelties, I brush them out every day.
False because the coat on a dog will keep in the coolo air as well as the hot air.
it is not true my mom asked my dogs groomer and she said it was not true I guess it is like skin to them!!
Yes you can shave your dog. Yes you can have your dog be cooler than with all his/her fur. Yes your dog could get sunburn if you trim the fur to close to the skin, If your dog was to get sunburn my question to you would be WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR DOG OUT IN THE SUN LONG ENOUGH TO GET THE SUNBURN? DO YOU LEAVE YOUR DOG IN A HOT CAR FOR HOURS AS WELL?

Dogs suffer from the heat, more than a human. A dog does not sweat.That is why dogs pant. They breathe or pant faster and faster as their only means to stay cool or they are in the shade panting-Which would you prefer? Your dog panting in the shade with or without fur?

Dumb question, but not really, you see it is truly the training of the pet owner in common sense and not training in the dog when it comes to heat, fur and death.

By all means-please do your 4 legged friend a favor this summer and shave him/her-leave 3/4 of an in of fur-but by all means treat that animal better than you treat yourself and your pet will always be there to cherish your every move.
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